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May 16, 2024

Navigating Wedding Day Emergencies Like A Pro: TOP 5 TIPS FROM MOONSTRUCK EVENTS TX

Imagine this… – It’s been a beautiful blue-sky day, you shuttle all your guests to your beautiful outdoor ceremony location, everyone is seated and anxiously awaiting your arrival. As you pull up, you happen to just look up and see a daunting rain cloud forming overhead. Do you know what you would have done?

As magical as your big day is destined to be, let’s face it: sometimes, things don’t go quite as planned and sometimes it’s out of our control. From sudden weather changes to last-minute vendor cancellations, the potential for little dilemma is why having a wedding planner in your corner can be an absolute game-changer!

Below, we have compiled Moonstruck Events top 5 tips for handling wedding emergencies like a pro: 

  1. Always Have a Plan B (and C, and D…)

So, the perfectly sunny weather forecast for your outdoor ceremony suddenly predicts rain. It might seem daunting, but here’s a pro tip: always have a backup plan—or two, or three. This doesn’t mean just grabbing any indoor space available at the last minute. It means thoughtfully planning alternative options that are as charming and well-considered as your original plan. Can’t secure an indoor venue? Consider renting a tent that will not only shield you from the elements but also add to the ambience. Or hey! clear umbrellas have to be one of our very favorite quick fixes from panic on wedding days! The key is preparation; make every plan feel like it was the first choice. 

  1. Vendor No-Shows: Build Your Emergency Vendor List

Hours before your wedding, you receive a call – your DJ has unexpectedly canceled, or even more startling, your florist has mixed up the dates and won’t be showing up. Without a wedding planner, this situation might seem like your worst nightmare come to life. Typically, wedding planners have an exclusive network of dependable vendors for exactly these emergencies. Picture having access to top-notch, last-minute replacements for your florist, DJ, or caterer, ensuring the music never stops and every table features stunning floral arrangements, exactly as you envisioned.

However, not having a planner doesn’t mean you’re out of options. You can proactively create your own list of backup vendors. Perhaps consider those who were your second choices or explore additional recommendations from your venue’s preferred vendor list. This preparatory step can serve as a safety net, providing peace of mind that, should an unexpected vendor issue arise, you have reliable alternatives just a phone call away, ready to step in and save the day.

  1.  Emergency Kits: Our Secret Weapon

A missing button, a sudden headache, or a tiny stain on the dress DOES ANYNE HAVE GLUE??—small emergencies that can cause big worries. Here’s where a little planning goes a long way. Put together a day-of emergency kit filled with essentials: safety pins, super glue, bug spray, stain remover, pain relievers, and even snack bars.  Every planner at Moonstruck Events comes equipped with a day-of emergency kit that rivals Mary Poppins’ bag. ( & we mean it!) 

  1. Build a Strong Relationship with Vendors

A strong, communicative relationship with your vendors can be your biggest asset in managing emergencies. When you’re choosing your vendors, think beyond price and portfolio; consider how they handle unexpected situations. Establish clear, open lines of communication early on. Discuss “what if” scenarios and ensure there’s a plan B that everyone is comfortable with. Vendors who feel connected to your wedding are more likely to go the extra mile when it counts!

  1. Keep an Eye on the Big Picture

Most importantly, remember what this day is truly about celebrating your love and commitment. It’s natural to want every detail to be perfect, but sometimes, it’s the unplanned moments that become the most memorable. Embrace any imperfections as part of your unique story. After all, your guests are there to share in your happiness, not to critique the day! 

Whether you’re just embarking on the exciting journey of wedding planning or you’re a few months away from the big day, having a seasoned wedding planner by your side can be your ticket to a stress-free celebration. If unexpected twists and turns concern you, or if you simply want the assurance that your day will go off without a hitch, we’d love to work with you. From preempting potential issues to handling any day-of surprises with grace and efficiency, let’s ensure your wedding day is remembered for all the right reasons. Get in touch, and let’s create a day that’s as perfect as your love story and have some FUN!!

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